A blend of spring greens loaded with nutrient-dense vitamins & minerals. These herbs are trophorestoritive healers, but safe for everyday use. Use to reset body. Good for lymphatic and nervice systmes, spring allergies, blood building (PMS or anemia), and hormone balancing. Meet the herbs!!! Nettle (Urtica dioica) - Iron-rich blood builder. Nutrient-dense vitamin and mneral packed leaves support all systems of the body including hair, skin, and immune system. Supports hormonal and blood sugar blane. Natural antihistamine. High in potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium. Great for women's health. Mint (Mentha x piperita) - Powerful, but gentle digestive herb. May help relieve upset stomach, gas or bloating. A stimulating nervice that can calm a nervous stomach or headache. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) - Also known as Holy Basil, an adaptogogenic herb that reduces stress and anxiety. A daily adrenal tonic and neuroprotective. An antioxidant immunomodulator that helps with viral and fungal infections. Also, as cardiovascular tonic that may help lower high blood pressure. Lemon Balm (Meliss officinalis) - A relaxing nervice that calms anxiety, stess, nervousness. An antiviral that fights infections. An antioxidant that improves oxidative stress. A gentle sedative that supports sleep cycles and menopausal sleep symptoms. Dandelion Flowers & Leaves (Taraxacum officinale) - A natural, pottassium-sparing diurectic and digestive stimulant that supports liver health. A bitter that stimulates gastric secretions and helps the body assimilate nutrients from food as well as breaking down fats through increased bile production. White Clover Blossoms (Trifolium repens) - An immune booster and blood purifier, this herb acts as a gentle detoxifyer. Also aids in digestion and may help relieve bloating. An expectorant that may help ease congestion and coughs. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) - An anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb that decreases both oxidative stress and bodily inflammation speeding up healing time. A healing gastric herb that may help ease heartburn, ulcers, and IBS symptoms. Great for skin and hair health.